Kara Mumma | Real Estate Services

Ease of Process & Meaningful Client Relationships

As a trusted Real Estate Advisor, I will break down the process to make the transaction seamless for you. It is an honor to be a part such a big milestone in someones life and one that I do not take lightly. I separate myself by celebrating the little moments in a transaction and by taking the time to really connect with my clients to fully understand their housing goals.


For Sellers

Every home represents a story, and I understand the gravity of that privilege to tell that story in a way that honors the home and garners the optimal result for the sellers.
— Kara Mumma


Peace of mind will be provided from the initial home walk-through. As a design and renovation specialist, we will discuss any necessary repairs or renovations to garner the best results. Kara will provide a high-level comparative market analysis to provide insight on how to properly price your home.


As your representative, Kara will manage every step of the selling process. To ensure your home is shown in the best light, a strategic and unique marketing plan will be formulated to reach your intended goal. We’ll reach optimal results by utilizing quality design and staging, high-end photography and custom marketing materials.


As results come, you will be advised on sound decision-making to have the confidence to move forward and on to your next chapter.


Our media plan promotes our network's exceptional properties. We can place print ads in top Pacific Northwest periodicals.

For Buyers

You’re not only buying into a house, you’re buying into a community, a lifestyle, and you’re building value… It’s not just a transaction - it’s so much more than that.
— Kara Mumma


Every milestone, from the pre-approval to closing, you will be advised and supported. The process starts with a conversation to nail down your wants and needs. You will be provided with a timeline and buyer book so there are no surprises and you’ll be armed with information. To further build confidence, Kara will advise on areas based on lifestyle and commute.


To be able to find the right home for someone, it’s important to really know them. Real estate requires trust and understanding to find on the right home.


Home ownership with the right guidance is easy. You will be given advice and support with trusted advisors to make the right decision.